Burying Time Capsule

Burying Time Capsule
1859 - 150th Anniversary of Parish - 2009 (photo by Scott & Debbie Travers )

Monday, October 21, 2013

St. Luke the Evangelist: Holy Day October 18th

     We were introduced to the cartooning of John Sheppard in this week's Parish Bulletin.  They're great!!!  
     Here's a link to his website along with the cartoon featured this week.
     The Parable of the Persistent Widow.  Luke 18: 1-8.
     The NIV Study Bible notes  tell us the windows were particullarly helpless and vulnerable becuase they had no fmaily to uphold their cause.  In this parable the widow had only justic and her own persistence in her favour.  Jesus' message is that if an unworthy judge who feels no constraint of rght or wrong  is compelled by persistence to deal justly with a helpless individual, how much more will God answer prayer!  Further, God will not delay his support of the chosen oones when they are right because he is not like the unjust judge who had to be badgered until he was wearied and gave in.  God loves faith that perserves in prayer and loyalty!  Chirst makes a second application that looks forward to the time of his second coming.  A period of spiritual decline and persecuton is assumed - a time that will require perseverance such as the widow demostrated.
cf. Parish Bulletin, Oct. 20, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blessing of the Animals Service at St. Peter's

     We had a great service on Sunday morning in St. Peter's Hall with the Blessing of the Animals.  
     There were a few animals who preferred to stay in their car, however, we had a good turn-out of pet dogs, along with photos of animals who couldn't come to the church, ie. cats, cows, geese, ducks, etc.
     Here's a few photos.
Reading from a Sermon of St. Francis: 'Peace, birds, peace!'  My brother and sister birds, you should greatly praise your Creator and love him always.  He gave you feathers to wear, and wings to fly, and whatever you need.  God made you noble among his creatures and gave you a home in the purity of the air, so that, though you do not sow nor reap, he nevertheless protects and governs you without your least care.
     ( Adapted from "Occasional Celebrations of the Anglican Church", and "For All the Saints", Anglican Book Centre, Toronto; a liturgy prepared by the Rev. Barbara Allen Chaplain, Lort Smith Animal Hospital August 2007; and a liturgy prepared by The Rev. Robert P. Morrison of the Episcopal Parish of St. James in Lincoln City, Oregon )
Blessing of the Animals: 
"(pet name), you were created by God, and you are loved by God.  May you and your human family experience joy and companionship together, and continue to be a blessing to each other.  In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."
Following the service we had our regular coffee fellowship time in the Hall.