Burying Time Capsule

Burying Time Capsule
1859 - 150th Anniversary of Parish - 2009 (photo by Scott & Debbie Travers )

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Praying Each Day website

     In this week's bulletin is a prayer from the website Praying Each Dayhttp://www.prayingeachday.org/
     At the bottom of the daily page is a one line quote - here is today's,
Colours of the day; I watch the sunrise; The light of Christ

Monday, July 30, 2012

Alberton Exhibition "Lunch Box" Fundraiser

     This past weekend was the 85th annual Prince County Exhibition was held in Alberton.  Our Parish has had a "church booth" at the Exhibition, now the Lunch Box, where we serve refreshments, sandwiches, sweets, etc. - mostly homemade items prepared by our Parishioners - everyone loves to get homemade goods.  I'm not entirely sure how long our Parish has had this booth at the Exhibition - it's been there as long as I can remember - 50 years or more.
     Thanks to all the volunteers and support received to make this annual parish fundraiser a great success.
     I don't have an image of the Lunch Box, however, here's an image below from Google Images.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


     I was just checking in with the Diocesan website ( http://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ ) to see what's new and thought I'd post what appears at the very top of the website home page - Our Mission Our Vision.  
     Here it is, from the website...
Mission: To participate in God’s mission of reconciling the world to God through Jesus Christ.
Vision: To create and sustain Christ-centered, mission-minded- ministering communities of faith.
*By focusing on the Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion (1984)
  • to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
  • to teach, baptize and nurture new believers;
  • to respond to human need by loving service;
  • to seek to transform unjust structures of society;
  • to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
*By focusing on the Marks of a Healthy Congregation from the Alban Institute:                                                                       
  • IDENTITY: Our congregation knows who they are before God;
  • VISION: Our congregations knows what it is called to do;         
  • STEWARDSHIP: Our congregation has the resources and leadership necessary to carry out it calling;  
  • WORSHIP: People experience the power and energy of the Gospel in their worship and life together;
  • OUTREACH: The activities of the congregation make a discernible difference in individual lives and in the world around us.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Memorial Service at Holy Trinity

     We had a great turn-out for the Memorial Service at Holy Trinity Church, Alma yesterday afternoon.  It was beautiful service on a very warm summer's afternoon!!!!
Above and Below: recent photos of the church and cemetery.
     The Memorial Service began in the cemetery.  Rev. Andrew played his guitar for the first hymn Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, followed by prayers and readings including Psalm 23 led by Lay Reader Jan.  Then we moved in to the church for the rest of the service and the singing of In the Garden played on the organ by David Barbour. The service continued with a sermon from Rev. Andrew and the singing of more traditional hymns, Church in the Wildwood and Sweet By and By.  Following we had lunch and fellowship in the church. 
      This was the second Memorial Service at Holy Trinity Cemetery - the first was held on July 14, 2002 with Rev. Fran Boutillier officiating.  We've been talking about how much we enjoyed that service ever since -  today was the 10th anniversary of that first service and now hope to make this an annual event.

Above: Holy Trinity Cemetery just before the service started.

 Following the service we had a great lunch and fellowship.
 Below: Rev. Andrew chatting with Holy Trinity treasurer Verna and guest.
There's always great food at church gatherings! Especially Irene's chocolate cake!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Memorial Service Holy Trinity Alma Church

    There will a memorial service at Holy Trinity Alma Church on Sunday, July 15th at 2:30pm.  The service will start in the cemetery then move into the church.  Refreshments to follow at the church.  All Welcome.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

St. Peter's Alberton getting painted

     The church is getting a fresh coat of paint (along with a few exterior misc. repairs).  
     St. Peter's Alberton is the third St. Peter's Church in our Parish.  The first St. Peter's was built in 1865 on the outskirts of town and sold to be used as a house when the second St. Peter's opened in the town of Alberton in 1891, located on the corner of corner of Main and Church Streets.  In 1927 a great fire burned the east side of Main Street - burning all the buildings including the church.  Immediately a committee was struck to build a new church, the third St. Peter's which opened in the fall of 1929.  
     In the 1980's a new foundation was placed under the church to create a Hall with kitchen; Sunday School room, Washrooms, Office, etc.
     Below photo of the present St. Peter's taken not long after construction in 1929.  This photos comes from http://peihistoricplaces.ca/index.php3?number=1029174&lang=E
Below photo comes from Archiveimagec - taken in 1929.
Below: St. Peter's Confirmation Class June 29, 1931.