Burying Time Capsule

Burying Time Capsule
1859 - 150th Anniversary of Parish - 2009 (photo by Scott & Debbie Travers )

Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting Ready for Palm Sunday

     Here's Joyce, Verna C., Blanche, Janet and Judy folding palms for Palm Sunday this weekend.

Thanks for the Photos Verna!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poem by Jan Cox for Appreciation Day during Lenten Service

St. Peter’s, Alberton - Appreciation day during Lenten Services
by Jan Cox, Lay Reader
St. Peter’s stands at the corner of Church and Main,
I know, I know, it’s just a building, but a beautiful one all the same.
It boasts a history that makes us proud,
Over many years, the praises of Jesus were shouted, right out loud.
When you open the heavy wooden doors and walk inside,
There’s a love, a respect, and a caring, you just can’t hide.
We worship as a church family and work together as one,
In all that we do, we give glory to the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son.
Davey Smith pounds the ivories and leads the choir,
I thank them for their commitment and voices that are superior!
The ladies of the Altar Guild, tend to their weekly duties with devotion,
To stand in the midst of our gleaming altar, evokes a quiet emotion.
Janet Mortimer cleans and straightens up our pews,
There’s never a speck of dust or a piece of grass that sticks to our shoes!
The faithful weekly readers share God’s Word with us,
They never make an excuse, they humbly read without a fuss.
“Prayers of the People” are an important part of every Sunday, if you get my gist,
It’s a hard thing at times, to ask for prayer – but the prayer leaders will quietly put your name on the list.
DeeDee Rayner inspired me to become a Lay Reader,
Thank you DeeDee, my mentor and spiritual leader.
Thank you also to every Lay Reader in our church,
Ready to lead, to pray, to help out and not leave Rev. Andrew in the lurch.
Many members on Council have served us for countless years,
Raigh, Judy, Archie, Verna – if I left someone out, I apologize, but you’re all such dears!
Now Elaine balances our books with articulate skill,
Hounding us for our receipts, never missing a bill.
Smiling greeters each week at the door,
Chat and welcome us, it never seems a chore.
Being good Anglicans, who could forget “the lunch”!
Thank you to all who contribute – lots to drink and delicacies on which to munch!
Thanks to Verna C. we’ve lists to follow so we all know when,
It’s our turn to help out, greet, bring lunch or read again.
Every month our Church Council members gather to talk things through,
We hope and pray we do the best we can for the church and for you.
Now I bet you thought I left someone out - he’s not “last” to say the least,
From the bottom of my heart, a very large thank you to Rev. Andrew, our priest.
Above: Jan, Easter 2011

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lent 5 - postcasts from Sister Margaret

From the Anglican Church of Canada website: Sister Margaret's Podasts.

     In this podcast for the fifth Sunday of Lent, Sister Margaret ponders the riddling ways of Jesus. What if he said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a toaster?”

Monday, March 19, 2012

Appreciation Sunday, March 25th

     Next Sunday is Appreciatino Sunday, Lent Expession.
     Time will be given during the service for people to express their thanks and appreciation to others for the work they do in the church and for the congregations.  Say a few words of thanks, say a prayer, read a poem, sing a song.  However you want to express your thanks and appreciation.

Lent 4 - podcasts from Sister Margaret

     From the Anglican Church of Canada website: Sister Margaret's Podasts.
     In this podcast for the fourth Sunday of Lent, Sister Margaret considers the phrase “light of the world” and the dark, heavy, and sad things this light helps bring into contrast.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Third Sunday in Lent - March 11

John 2: 13-22 Jesus Clears the Temple
Painting by Raymond Balze cf. Google Images

Lent Prayer for Today
cf. Parish Bulletin, March 11
Loving Father,
So many times I turn away from you
and always you welcome me back.
Your mercy and love gives me confidence
Thank you for the invitation to share, fast and pray
so that you can form a new heart within me.
Your powerful compassion for my weaknesses
leads me to ask for mercy
and await with great hope the Easter joy you share with us.

Lent 3 - podcasts from Sister Margaret

     From the Anglican Church of Canada website: Sister Margaret's Podasts.
     In this this postcast for the third Sunday of Lent, Sister Margarage considers the feisty Samaritan woman and her relationship with living water.

Monday, March 12, 2012

St. Luke's O'Leary 1907 Postcard

     There's an article in today's Guardian telling that the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation has 500 vintage Prince Edward Island postcardsand have them posted on their Flickr website. 
     In part, here's the article from today on the Guardian's website.  http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/News/Local/2012-03-12/article-2923537/New-Flickr-account-features-historic-PEI-postcards/1
     P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation has transformed an old medium, the picture postcard, into a new format: the online photos using Flickr.  More than 500 historic postcard images from the Provincial Collection spanning communities across Prince Edward Island can be viewed on the foundation's Flickr site at www.flickr.com/photos/pei_museum. Many of the postcards date from the early 1900s and continue on as late as the ‘70s and ‘80s.

     Below is a postcard of St. Luke's Anglican Church at O'Leary Corner - 1907.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/pei_museum/6871176147/in/photostream

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Congratulations Stanley MacDonald

      A big congratulations to Stanley MacDonald on receiving the "Hospitality Award for Prince County" last evening at the Tourism Industry Association of P.E.I. (TIAPEI) Annual Awards Gala at the Delta Hotel in Charlottetown.
      Stan is a valued and dedicated member of our congregation and a strong supporter of our community in so many ways - from the St. Luke's Kitchen Partys to the Canadian Potato Museum, O'Leary.

Monday, March 5, 2012

MOSAIC When God Uses All the Pieces

     During the season of Lent Rev. Andrew's sermons will be based on the Lenten Study book called MOSAIC When God Uses All The Pieces by Shane Stanford.  In this Study the author examines how God "uses the broken pieces of our lives to reframe our purpose, turning our discarded hopes and dreams into something beautiful and useful - a mosaic in which God uses all the pieces". 
     Ash Wed and last Sunday we had the pieces of rebellion ad restlessness.
Sunday, March 4: When God uses our REGRET.
cf. Parish Bulletin, March 4th, 2012
The image above from: www.amazon.com

Lent 2 - podcasts from Sister Margaret

     From the Anglican Church of Canada website: Sister Margaret's Podcasts. 
    In this podcast for the first Sunday of Lent, Sister Margaret considers Jesus’s temptations in the wilderness and encourages us not to take the easy way out.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lent 1 - podcasts from Sister Margaret

From the Anglican Church of Canada website:  Sister Margaret's Podcasts
    In this series of podcasts, Sister Margaret guides listeners through the important Biblical texts of Lent and the ups, downs, and surprising emotions that come with this special season.
     In this podcast for the first Sunday of Lent, Sister Margaret reflects on what suffering means for us as beloved children of God. 
     General Synod Communications February 24, 2012